Four weeks ago we had to make the heartbreaking decision to put our beautiful black Labrador to sleep. He was only 11 and a puppy in his mind but sadly end stage osteoarthritis had caused such damage to his elbow we were no longer able to keep him comfortable. I knew for some time that […]
Funerals during the Corona virus lockdown
While the country is experiencing lockdown, one of the issues facing people and causing great distress is the restrictions being placed on attendance at funerals and there is even talk of them being banned in the near future. So how will people be able to say goodbye to their loved ones in a way that […]
Don’t forget your parachute!
Imagine I told you that sometime in the future you are going to have to jump out of a plane. That’s it, no explanation or reason but you are not allowed to refuse. How do you feel? Angry? Scared? Sad? No one jumps out of a plane and survives right? This is likely to pray […]
Corona Virus and DNACPR
I’ve seen outrage on social media this week due to GPs saying they are going to be contacting elderly and vulnerable patients to discuss advance care planning and DNACPR. “They want to kill you”, “our elderly have paid tax all their lives and this is the thanks they get”, “write off the old people just […]